Coronavirus, Personal, Still, She Rises

Everyone is having their say…But what do YOU want?

No one else knows you better than you know yourself…so please, start listening to you and what you want or need in any given moment.

Everyone is having their say,
Letting you know what they think is best for people, for the world at this time…gosh even me.
And I think it’s great, people sharing their way.
Many will get to think and see a different view and then decide on what works best for them.

You will hear
Use this time to create

You will hear
Use this time to build a business, change your business, advance your business – hustle.

You will hear
This is not a time to sell and market your business – no one has the money or should be watching what they spend.

You will hear
Use this time to just be, sit, be still, enjoy doing nothing.
Don’t hustle.

You will hear
Use this time to improve your skills, learn something you’ve always wanted to learn.

You will hear
Use this time to improve yourself & grow internally.

You will hear
Use this time to be with your loved ones, strengthen your relationships.

Oh boy….You will hear it all….

We are all experiencing this time, yet we are all experiencing different things at this time also, depending on your circumstances.
So do what is right for you.

If you want to create – then go ahead, create, if that fills you up.

If you want to start at business, pivot in your business, use this time to really grow your business, because you have the time to do so and it lights you up so much – then go ahead and do.

If you are trying to keep your head above water and you’re learning creative ways to market your business and doing what you can to keep yourself in front – then I admire you for your courage during this time. There are people still out there with money and everyone is responsible for how they spend. So don’t feel guilty for promoting a service or product that you truly believe in…stay in the game.

If you want to sit, meditate, enjoy the beautiful calmness of the world right now…oh enjoy it, because it really is beautiful and brings so much to you, you will gain so much from this.

If you want to improve yourself – I think thats amazing, and why would you not want to. There is so much to be gained by personal growth in so many ways. It will strengthen so many areas of your life.

And if you want to spend this time, all this time, hanging with your loved ones, really getting to know them, well I couldn’t think of a better time for this also. The relationships you have in your life is an important one and brings so much goodness, reason, depth to ones life.

What ever you choose to do with your time, during this time, you will learn something, many things – it is a given.
You will learn just what you need to learn right now.

In those moments of uncomfortableness, loneliness, frustration, boredom, unease, busyness, procrastination…your lesson is being given to you right at those times…become aware of what’s been shown to you…listen to those quiet little whispers.

My hope is, and has always been, that everyone comes out a different person from this experience.
That you are transformed in some way or another,
That you look at and appreciate life, people and yourself on a whole new level
Either way – choose what is right for you.

So what am I choosing for myself.
Well, what I’ve been choosing for some time now plus a few more things.
I choose to include many of the above in my day or week.
I love to create – It really feeds me.
I love the hustle – going to bed at night and knowing I did what I did to move myself forward, excites me.
I love that I get to look at how I do business differently and have the space and time to work on it.
I love to have time where I sit with life, sit with me to tune in, to feel – there is so much growth done in doing nothing.
I love that I continue to work on myself – especially when I notice changes in my life.
I love that I get space and time to connect with those I care about.
I also love that I get to write and share my thoughts.
Shit, I have a lot to say sometimes (which trips me out every now and then, as I used to be so quiet and would say nothing and instead let it simmer away internally)
What I have to share is for some and not for others.
Those who need to hear it, will hear it.
So, I choose to continue to share what comes to me, what I believe in, what I trust in no matter what is going on in the world, no matter what others may say. I will always share from my truth and nothing more.

So I hope during this time, you choose your truth, what ever that looks and feels like for you.
You will find lessons in all that you do, if you allow yourself to become aware a little more.