

Everything you touch, smell, hear, taste, see, are all things your body is receiving.
And how you receive, what you put in, is your experience with it.
And how you experience it, is how it shows up in you and what you put back out into the world.

It’s clear to see how we are experiencing our inputs, simply by how we’re interacting with the world, how it’s forming our beliefs, how we view others and ourselves, how we feel about what we experience and how it’s expressed through our body.

So what are you allowing your body to receive?

Not just in the means of food, beverages, exercise, music, products – although it’s all important to ponder on.

But also in your conversations and how your body responds to the words that land on your ears.

In the one’s who you share a table with and how your body responds at the sight of them, the sound of them.

What you put your hand to, to build, to create, to make from nothing into something and how your body feeds on the process.

It’s in the environments you step foot in and how you respond to each situation, experience and people within those environments.

It’s in who you allow your body to connect with and how you feel before, during & after in each given moment with them.

All that you receive is never wrong, it’s simply how you experience the receiving of it, that gives you information, that speaks if it’s right for YOU or not.

In many cases, what you receive is beautiful, because you can feel it in every cell of your body. And in the cases that you don’t receive it well, you’re presented with a beautiful gift of truth that you’re being pulled towards.

So what are you allowing your body to receive?
Pop a little question at the front of everything you’re about to let your body receive.
Is this good for me?
Does this serve me?
Does this add value, add goodness?
Does it add to my life?

Then let yourself listen for the answer, the little whisper that is always guiding you.
For what is good for you, for what is right for you, will never repeatedly fracture your spirit/wairua.

You need no books,
You need no longer to outsource yourself to the world to give you the answers,
You simply need your senses, your curiosity to ask the questions and your discernment to move you in the direction that speaks ever so quietly to you.

You are always receiving – ain’t that a beautiful thing to realise,
So what will you allow your body to receive that adds the most goodness to you?