That’s your only requirement in life, is to make a life, to live in a way, that makes sense to you. Not to others.
When you try to make your life fit and make sense to others, you’re going off course, you’re going against the natural rhythm of who you are and you’ll feel it, you’ll know it. Things will never feel quite right, it will always feel a little off and you’ll be questioning it often. You’ll push it to the side, avoid it, not want to grow with it, make excuses as to why it is this way, manipulating yourself to try and make it, make sense.
Your life isn’t meant to make sense to all people, because we’re all so different, so let it look different, let it be different. Let people question it, judge it, poopoo it, it doesn’t need to look, feel, be a certain way, to be accepted in this world. When you can accept your differences, your way of life, your way of doing, others will feel that from you.
Living in a way that makes sense to you will be strongly felt in your body, there will be a sense of satisfaction and peace all wrapped in one. You won’t question it, doubt it, judge it, even in the challenging times that will arise, you will simply find a way through it, to the other side that will stretch and grow you in amazing ways. You will be willing and it will feel right – it will make sense, complete sense.
Fear however stands in the way of many, fear of being different, fear of what the outside world will say, fear of getting it wrong…if this is case, keep it to yourself for as long as you can until you can adjust to the idea of it all. Take steps towards what makes sense, so you can see for yourself how good it feels. Build up enough evidence of goodness within yourself so that when you step out and live that way in front of the world, you have the strength to own that part of you.
There will be things that didn’t make sense to you years ago, but as life changes, as you change, those things start to make sense to you now – Let it, let it be ok to change your mind. Life is not linear, life can be a maze at times, let yourself be moved in which ever direction that makes sense to you at each given moment – that’s the beauty of life, we’re all given new moments every single day to change course, be it by one degree or a complete 360.
Work in a way that makes sense to you.
Have relationships that make sense to you.
Love in a way that makes sense to you.
Play in a way that makes sense to you.
Parent in a way that makes sense to you.
When you live in a way that makes sense to you, you’ll stop looking out to the world for the answers, instead, you’ll already know the answers and you’ll act from that place.
Let this year be a year that you start moving in a way that makes complete sense to you.
Happy 2025 to you all!
Char xox