Coronavirus, Personal, Still, She Rises


My Mum gave me a fridge magnet when I first moved out of home that said
‘Don’t stress, who cares about this mess’

What a gift.

I used to laugh at it…still do actually
I listened to every word…to the extreme some days haha.

She didn’t ever want me to stress about having to clean up before she or others came to my home.
She didn’t want me to feel like I had to do it all.
She wanted me to just be the best mum I could be and do what I can, when I can, and that the mess can wait.

Often we sit amongst my mess and chat,
My family, my friends,
And what I love is that my family & friends never feel they have to clean up before I come either,
Many have voiced it to me…
Because they’ve seen my house many times,
And just like my Mum, I don’t wont people to feel they have to be or look a certain way to the outside world…especially if it means being stressed to be that way.
Take me as I am, or don’t take me at all…another little motto said with love & cheekiness.

My home is much more organised and tidy these days,
I do love a clean, tidy home,
Ha maybe that’s just what happens when ya grow up…
Which I love…but it’s not too much hard work anymore like it used to be.
There are still days…oh there are days….like yesterday – total shambles I tell ya
But over all, it’s not too bad…it’s lived in, I call it an organised mess.

That little magnet allowed me to be more with my little girl,
It allowed me to be more with my thoughts to figure myself out…
Haha because I felt there was a tonne to figure out back then.
It allowed me to not feel I had to do it all.
However, my mess was a huge reflection of what was going on inside my head.
Our outside world is a mirror to our inside world.
For some it may not be reflected through your home, but more so through your relationships.

What I found was the more I cleaned up myself inside,
Shame, blame, fear, not good enough, not educated enough bla bla bla…
All those great stories ya make up about yourself (none of which are actually true)
The more my environment reflected that also.
And like I said, there are still days,
And those days seemed to be fully aligned with how I’m feeling inside myself,
And that’s ok…have a break, have a KitKat.

The mess won’t go anywhere, it will be there waiting for you when you’re ready.
Be ok to sit in it…take a look around…take a look inside too.
And be ok to care for you first,
Care for your internal home, that’s more important than folding the damn washing
When you do…everything else will follow,
And one day you may wake up and notice how tidy your home is – both internally & externally.

Thank you mum for giving me one of the greatest gift.

Right I’m off to clean my house before we come out of lockdown and everyone sees my mess… hehe just kidding (slightly)

P.S – work towards getting support in different areas of your life. No one does it all. When you allow support in your life you are also supporting other families & you are creating more time for what’s most important in your life.