Personal, Still, She Rises

The World Is Your Reflection.


The world is always reflecting back to you on how you see yourself. The reflection is a message to you. Will you listen, will you take note, will you acknowledge it.

Every situation and every person who comes into your life is there to show you something, is there for a reason. It will show you your worth, however worthy you think you are of having or doing something, will be reflected back to you.

It will show you the areas in which you still need to work on…the sneaky old patterns that still lay inside of you will surface. Possibly the little insecurities that you’d thought you’d dealt with will pop back up, maybe you can see all that you’ve actually let go of, maybe it’s showing you new things about yourself you hadn’t really noticed before.

Either way. The world is your reflection. Good and Bad. How you see yourself truly – at your core, your beliefs, your values, on every level, in every area will be reflected back at you.

If you value family, this will be shown back to you, if you value work, this will be shown back to you, if you value time, this will be shown back to you, if you value love, this will be shown back to you, if you value support, this too will be shown back to you.

Self reflection is easy, yet it’s the other people in your life, that will show you more of who you are. The quicker you see it, acknowledge it, the quicker you can work through it, let it all go, shake it off and relax into self, relax into just being and allowing all the good to flow in .

But just remember to stay tuned into what feels right for you. Don’t slip inside of yourself, don’t turn away from what you know to be true for you, stay the course, stay in your lane, stay in your knowing, and all else is a beautiful bonus, that compliments you and all that you are and vice versa.

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