

Your truth is in your alignment, your alignment is in your truth.

The moment you step out to what doesn’t align, you’re no longer living in your truth and you will feel it. The tension in your body, the frustration, anger, bitterness will start to rise, the holding of your breath, the loss of power in your engine (your energy), the lack of interest, the change in your language & what you accept will all be signs to let you know.

Appreciate these feelings, never make yourself wrong for feeling them, they are a part of you for a reason, it’s what makes you you. They are a part of your make up to let you know somethings not right (for you), that something needs to adjust, change for the better. It’s what opens up an opportunity for you to bring yourself back onto your path of alignment, to choose change over staying the same or accepting the same. So stop trying to erase this part of you – you need this part of you, it is a powerful part of your blueprint.

Speak to what no longer feels right for you & find a new way, another solution. Try that thing that keeps popping up in your mind to do or learn. Step into the way of being that you aspire to be apart of you always. Be aware of the places & people who ignite more life force into you so you can feel it and acknowledge that there are burning desires inside of you, then bring that with you into everything you do and everywhere you go.

Your truth is a place of peace, joy, love, clarity, freedom in self, you get to live in this space more when you keep choosing for you. And as you move through your years your truth will change as your mind, body & soul will require new ways to be nurtured and so you get to keep adjusting.

Your truth is only found and brought to life by you so keep exploring, keep practicing and commit to living more in your truth every day.